Lexical Analysis for Tiger?
So I am off to basic lexing in Ocaml. I can tell you it is definitely fun.
I am having some difficulty with the theory, but I will keep pushing along
in it. Currently I’m still figuring out ocamllex
, and this was the first
lexer I have written. It doesn’t do much, and I’m still trying to figure
out how to run it, without writing all of it by hand. I definitely think this
will be a fun project now. Here’s what my first lexer looks like.
(* Copyright 2019
* Justin Baum
* Modern Compiler Implementation in ML
* Andrew Appel
* But in Ocaml*
(* header section *)
{ }
rule translate = parse
| "current_directory" { print_string (Sys.getcwd ()); translate lexbuf }
| _ as c { print_char c; translate lexbuf }
| eof { exit 0 }
This gets compiled down into, strangely enough, a nice I believe a deterministic finite automaton, and if not, probably a undeterministic finite automaton. Again I’m struggling through the theory which is why I’ve been stuck on this part for a good amount of time.
# 8 "ocamllex_tutorial.mll"
# 4 "ocamllex_tutorial.ml"
let __ocaml_lex_tables = {
Lexing.lex_base =
Lexing.lex_backtrk =
Lexing.lex_default =
Lexing.lex_trans =
Lexing.lex_check =
Lexing.lex_base_code =
Lexing.lex_backtrk_code =
Lexing.lex_default_code =
Lexing.lex_trans_code =
Lexing.lex_check_code =
Lexing.lex_code =
let rec translate lexbuf =
__ocaml_lex_translate_rec lexbuf 0
and __ocaml_lex_translate_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf with
| 0 ->
# 11 "ocamllex_tutorial.mll"
( print_string (Sys.getcwd ()); translate lexbuf )
# 107 "ocamllex_tutorial.ml"
| 1 ->
# 12 "ocamllex_tutorial.mll"
# 113 "ocamllex_tutorial.ml"
= Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos in
# 12 "ocamllex_tutorial.mll"
( print_char c; translate lexbuf )
# 117 "ocamllex_tutorial.ml"
| 2 ->
# 13 "ocamllex_tutorial.mll"
( exit 0 )
# 122 "ocamllex_tutorial.ml"
| __ocaml_lex_state -> lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
__ocaml_lex_translate_rec lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state
That’s all I got for today, just some fun lexical analysis, that I have little idea of what’s going on.